by Tracy Fountain
As 9 TO 5 prepares to open this Thursday, I am reminded about how far we have come since meeting for the first time at the end of May. Thirty five (or so) of us looking around the theatre (some of us probably thinking “what have I gotten myself into?”). Some of us knew each other, some did not. For several of the actors, it was their first time being involved in a QCT production; for others, it was the 2nd, 10th, or 20th time. Introductions were made, scripts were handed out, and the journey began.
Rehearsal after rehearsal, names started going with faces. Inside jokes were shared. Invitations were extended to grab a quick bite to eat after rehearsal. Facebook friend requests were sent out. Phone numbers were exchanged...
And it happened. The group who walked in the theatre in May as individuals will link arms on Thursday not only as a cast...but as friends. And that, to me, is the most amazing thing about the theatre. Everyone enters the theatre from a different place in their lives and by different paths. And yet, by the time the curtain rises, those roads have merged and new paths forged out of friendship and camaraderie. So to my fellow cast-mates, and now friends, BREAK A LEG!