Ad-libbing: making up or adding lines to fill vocal space, such as shouting in a crowd
Apron: the part of the stage that sticks out in front of the curtain (the round-ish part of our stage)
Blackout: when all the lights go out, usually at the end of a scene
Blocking: the physical movements the actors perform
Box Office: where you bought your ticket!
Cameo: a brief appearance onstage, usually by a well-known actor
Call Time: the time an actor must arrive before a performance (it's an hour before the show begins here at QCT)
Costume Parade: an actual parading of the actors in their costumes to present to the director
Crossover: when an actor walks across the stage, usually without any interaction with the main story in the scene
Cue: the action or dialogue that prompts an actor to perform his/her action or dialogue
Curtain Call: the bows at the end of the show where the actors thank the audience for attending
Downstage: towards the front of the stage
Ensemble: the group of actors that interact as a single unit to tell the story
(All those lines behind behind Mackenzie)
Fourth Wall: the invisible barrier between the world of the show and our "real world"
"From the top": starting from the beginning
Green Room: the room where the actors rest between scenes
(A little peek from the audience. This curtain hiding the lights is called the border.)
Hold: to stop the scene, usually to fix an issue
House: where the audience sits!
House Left: the left side of the audience
House Right: the right side of the audience
Light Booth: the control center where the lights are controlled
Mezzanine: the part of the house that you climb up the stairs to reach; it's pictured above
Motivation: the reason a character does something
Objective: what the character wants
Obstacle: what prevents the character from getting what he/she wants
Orchestra: the group of musicians who provide live music; also the part of the house that you walk down the stairs to reach (the seats closest to the stage)
Pace: the tempo or speed of the show
(Views from above and under)
Proscenium: the brick wall/archway that separates the apron from the rest of our stage
Props: things that actors carry onstage to help tell the story
Quick Change: switching from one costume to another in a very short amount of time; every actor's worst fear
Rehearsal: a practice session for actors, orchestra, etc.
Run or Run-through: a rehearsal for performing the entire show
Scene: one section or chapter of a story
Scene Change: moving the set and getting into position for the next part
Set: the scenery that builds the location and the world of the play
Spike Tape: colorful tape that is laid down to mark where furniture is to be placed (it's bright so it can easily be seen in the dark)
Stage Left: the left side of the stage when looking at the audience
Stage Right: the right side of the stage when looking at the audience
Tactic: different approaches a character takes to get what he/she wants
Tech: the weekend (and sometimes weeknights) where the entire cast and crew run the show from beginning to end, working out kinks in lighting, sound, and scene changes; usually the week before the show opens
Upstage: the part of the stage farthest from the audience
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